September 20, 2024

Published from Mumbai, Delhi & Bhopal

“Accept Mistake, Will Wear Mask”: Narottam Mishra Regrets Comment

Team Absolute|Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra, who had bragged on Wednesday that he “doesn’t wear a mask – so what”, regretted his words this morning.”My statement on not wearing a mask appears to be a violation of law. It wasn’t in line with the sentiment of the Prime Minister. I accept my mistake and express regret. I’ll wear a mask. I also appeal to everyone to wear masks and observe social distancing,” the Minister wrote in a tweet in Hindi this morning. On Wednesday, the 60-year-old BJP leader told reporters: “I don’t wear a mask in any programme. Isme kya hota hai?” (so what).” He was replying to a question on why he was not wearing a mask at an event in Indore. It is mandatory to wear a face cover in public places, according to the government’s guidelines on the coronavirus.

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