Team Absolute|Bhopal Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that the Gram Panchayat office-bearers have done the work of providing means of livelihood to migrant labourers, undertaken MNREGA works and completed public utility works under the Panch Parmeshwar Yojana in the village. The role of Panchayat office-bearers has been appreciated also by everyone, for which they deserve to be congratulated. Chouhan was dedicating the 1584 structures constructed in the rural areas of the state at a cost of Rs 106 crore 4 lakh, through the Panchayats on behalf of the Panchayat and Rural Development Department in a virtual programme. Chouhan also discussed various issues related to villages with the Panchayat heads of some districts. Apart from the public representatives present in the districts of the state, Additional Chief Secretary of Panchayat and Rural Development Department Manoj Shrivastava was also present in the programme at Minto Hall Studio in Bhopal. Chief Minister said that with pucca houses, Nal Jal Yojana and the implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Nidhi Yojana in the villages, the target is to complete other sanctioned works also at a fast pace. Chouhan called upon the villagers taking part in this virtual dedication programme on Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan and Rashtriya Rishi Nana Ji Deshmukh Jayanti, to remain vigilant for the prevention against pandemic like Corona, apart from being aware towards cleanliness and personal health in the villages. Chouhan said that in this Corona period, people must contribute towards the maintenance of the community building, Haat Bazaar, Yatri Pratikshalaya, CC Road, Samudayik Swachhata Parisar, Panchayat Bhavan and other basic facilities while making use of them. The Panchayat and Rural Development Department started these construction works during the Corona disaster with the aim of providing employment along with infrastructure development in rural areas. The 1584 fully-equipped structures built at a total cost of Rs 106 crore 4 lakhs include 318 gram panchayat bhavans at a cost of Rs 44 crore 21 lakh, 262 community buildings at a cost of Rs 34 crore 6 lakh and 1004 Samudayik Swachhata Parisars built at a cost of Rs 27 crore 59 lakh. It may be noted that all these structures are in the 33 districts unaffected by elections. The construction works of those districts where there are by-elections are not included in this programme. Chouhan held discussions with Panchayat pradhans of some districts after the dedication. Chief Minister also sought information from the gram pradhans about free ration received by the villagers, registration in Sambal Yojana and implementation of other schemes during the Corona period. Departmental officers and public representatives of the districts were present in the virtual programme.
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