Mumbai: The CBI on Friday formally launched their probe into the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. Within the first few hours the federal team collected the late actor’s diary, laptop and mobile phone among other crucial documents, and sources said they have now set off to collect the close circuit television camera (CCTV) footage from the Bandra flat where Sushant was found dead.
The central agency will examine if the camera recording was “tampered” with on the day of the 34-year-old actor’s death (June 14) or if there were any “technical glitches”. Top CBI sources said that the agency will collect the CCTV footage and examine all the people who arrived there before his death.
The CBI team will also collect the CCTV’s DVR and send it for forensic examination. The source said that the agency will examine if the CCTV was working on the day of the actor’s death or if it was switched off by someone intentionally.
The source further disclosed that the agency will also communicate with the company which installed the CCTV cameras and the company which carried out the maintenance of the CCTV cameras. “If required, the CBI will record the statement of the CCTV camera company and the maintenance company,” the source added.
The source further said that the agency will also study the call detail record of at least one week of the building area before Sushant’s death. “The CDR of every person whose numbers were active in the building area will be examined and they will be studied by the CBI,” the source said.
The team of CBI’s SIT officials arrived in Mumbai from Delhi on Thursday evening along with the forensic team to probe the death of the late actor, after it got the nod from the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
Earlier on Friday, the CBI team met the Mumbai Police officials and collected all the documents pertaining to the death of Sushant and also his diaries seized from his Bandra flat and Lonavala farmhouse, mobile phone and laptop.
The CBI team also collected photographs of the crime scene, autopsy report and the statement of 56 people recorded in last two months from the laptop of the Mumbai Police, the source said.
The CBI team also recorded the statement of Sushant’s cook Neeraj and his former servant Dipesh Sawant earlier in the day. The source said that the agency is also questioning Sushant’s flatmate Samuel Miranda.
The federal agency is planning to question several others named in the CBI FIR registered on August 6 after it got the nod from the central government on the recommendation from Bihar government following an FIR lodged by Sushant’s father K.K. Singh at Patna’s Rajiv Nagar police station.
The case was registered against Rhea Chakraborty, her father Indrajit, mother Sandhya, brother Showik, Sushant’s ex-manager Shruti Modi and flatmate Samuel Miranda and unknown persons on the basis of Sushant’s father K.K. Singh’s complaint filed on July 25.
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